Parmeshar TV is dedicated to Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji Dhadrianwale. One of the reformers of Sikh Panth. At age 16, he began Sikhism preaching. He built a Sikh Temple named Gurdwara ParmesharDwar Sahib in Sheikhupura village of Patiala Distt in Punjab. The headquarter of Pameshar TV is based in Patiala.
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11:54 PM
Parmeshar TV is dedicated to Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji Dhadrianwale. One of the reformers of Sikh Panth. At age 16, he began Sikhism preaching. He built a Sikh Temple named Gurdwara ParmesharDwar Sahib in Sheikhupura village of Patiala Distt in Punjab. The headquarter of Pameshar TV is based in Patiala.
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